

新加坡PR 求职幼儿教师或幼儿美术教师美术幼儿美术艺术幼儿园

原作者: Fengziyan|来自: 查看详细|28-1-2020 14:02

摘要: 招聘人员,你好! 我的名字叫冯金燕,来自中国,本人希望拥有一份幼儿教师工作或幼儿美术教师工作。本人有新加坡PR证件、教师资格证书以及大专文凭毕业证书(学前教育),长期定居新加坡,在国外有九年教育经验,其 ...
  • 职位:教育培训 
  • 性别:
  • 邮编:680661
  • 年龄:29
  • 自身学历:大专
  • 期望工资:2500新币以上
  • 详细描述:幼儿教师
  • 籍贯:
  • 所在地:新加坡
  • 出生年月:1991-04-19
  • 联系人:冯金燕
  • 电话:
  • 微信:fengziyan2030
  • 邮箱
  • QQ:654950584
  • 主页:求职幼儿教师
Hi recruiter! I want to have a preschool teacher job or a preschool art teacher job. I have Singapore PR certificate, teacher qualification certificate and college diploma (pre-school education). I have settled in Singapore for a long time. I have nine years of education experience abroad, including six years as a kindergarten teacher; art teacher one and a half years; STEAM training lecturer 1 Half a year. Love the education industry, like to integrate with children, be patient and responsible in teaching and getting along with children! I am good at art related art creation, paper art, wood art, ceramic art, cloth art, etc. related art DIY creation! I attach great importance to my all-round development, cultivate my hobbies extensively, like fine arts, and also play piano, tell stories, edit children's dances, and so on. While paying attention to knowledge learning, I also pay attention to developing my own moral sentiments, behaviors, conscious compliance with laws and regulations, social ethics, and no bad habits and bad behaviors. I think these are the minimum qualities that an educator should have. If I pass the interview and become a member of the teaching team, I will continue to study hard, work hard, and contribute my strength to the cause of education. The future is long, and I will continue to improve the shortcomings, develop the advantages, and on the road to education Going better!
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