
已有 2148 人来访过

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  • deep fatigue  回复
  • deep fatigue  回复
  • frustration. but more determination.  回复
  • frustration. but more determination.  回复
  • gray state. 回复
  • gray state. 回复
  • strive to achieve my goals.never compromise.life is humble,and is just a single ingredient,must be mixed with others, then can expect a good outcome. 回复
  • strive to achieve my goals.never compromise.life is humble,and is just a single ingredient,must be mixed with others, then can expect a good outcome. 回复
  • lost,think a way out. 回复
  • lost,think a way out. 回复
  • 人生就像一场舞会,教会你最初舞步的人却未必能陪你走到散场…… 回复
  • 人生就像一场舞会,教会你最初舞步的人却未必能陪你走到散场…… 回复
  • never give up ,preserve a fresh heart to coax my soul. 回复


marriage 2010-06-29
 we guys should be more prudent and resp**ible about marriage issues.before you have the ability and full conditi** to form and support a family ...
marriage 2010-06-29
 we guys should be more prudent and resp**ible about marriage issues.before you have the ability and full conditi** to form and support a family ...
【转】80后不结婚的四大理由 2010-04-24
昨天一个很久没有联系的老同学不在知道从哪问到了我的电话,电话一通我们难免寒暄问暖几句。同学问我结婚没有!笔者答:结婚!我们这个年代的人拿什么 ...
【转】80后不结婚的四大理由 2010-04-24
昨天一个很久没有联系的老同学不在知道从哪问到了我的电话,电话一通我们难免寒暄问暖几句。同学问我结婚没有!笔者答:结婚!我们这个年代的人拿什么 ...
PARTNERS AND MARRIAGE by Kent Nerburn 2010-01-04
I did not want to make a mistake. I saw my friends get married for reasons of social acceptability, or sexual fever, or just because t ...
PARTNERS AND MARRIAGE by Kent Nerburn 2010-01-04
I did not want to make a mistake. I saw my friends get married for reasons of social acceptability, or sexual fever, or just because t ...


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alpd 10-8-2010 01:45
knight86: 退役了吗?
全岛 15-4-2010 17:18
全岛 18-3-2010 17:26
小聂 16-3-2010 15:03
小聂 16-3-2010 15:03
6606 15-3-2010 11:35
江湖阿飞 11-3-2010 22:51
knight86: 民主人士呀 佩服你的勇气。
alpd 6-3-2010 10:05
knight86: 最近还好吗
全岛 8-2-2010 15:02
全岛 27-1-2010 13:31
alpd 17-1-2010 00:55
knight86: 最近还好吗
icebaby3850 28-12-2009 00:13
knight86: hi 你好
alpd 11-12-2009 17:41
knight86: 兄弟加油。
彗瑜 8-12-2009 20:43
smile smile and smile
彗瑜 6-12-2009 14:03
彗瑜 2-12-2009 20:46
莪 沒 有 華 麗 恴 詞 藻 、

                        也 沒 有 耐 尋 味 的 話 語 、
               祗 想 給 最 簡 單 恴 祝 福、
       Smile and  Smile J
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