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tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 10-9-2014 13:04:14 | 显示全部楼层


Don't be scared, he’s up with end. 不要惊慌,他已黔驴技穷。

Don't let us down. 不要让我们失望。

Keep your chin up. 不要气馁。  

Keep it up. 坚持下去。

Try to look on the bright side of things. 凡事想开点。

You can do it. 你能办得到。

Be a man. 拿出点勇气来。

Come on. 加油。

Don't give a pull. 不要灰心

Don't be nervous. 别紧张。

Don't be afraid, I'll help you. 别害怕,我会帮你。

Go to it, I know you can make it. 好好干吧,我知道你行。

Cheer up. 振作起来。

You’re doing very well. 你现在做的不错嘛。

You have our backing. 我们支持你。

tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 14-9-2014 16:21:38 | 显示全部楼层


1. As good as gold. (孩子)规规矩矩的,很乖的
The children in her room are as good as gold.

2. A heart of gold. 道德高尚的人;金子般的心
He has a heart of gold, but he isn't very smart and ordinary in every way; nevertheless, he has many dreams.

3. Worth its weight in gold.  非常有价值;值同等重量的金子
Sometimes an out-of-print book could be worth its weight in gold.

tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 11-11-2014 17:19:58 | 显示全部楼层


在英文中“左耳进右耳出”可以用“go in one ear and out the other”来表示,我们来看两个例子:

I told Sally it was foolish to marry that man, but it went in one ear and out the other. Now she wishes she’d listened to me. He drinks and gambles and she wants to leave him. 我告诉萨莉嫁给那个男人很愚蠢,但她对我的话真是左耳进右耳出。现在她后悔当初没有听我的。她的丈夫不仅酗酒还赌博,她想要离开他了。

How many times have I told you to get to work on time. But my words justgo in one ear and out the other. So I don’t have any choice but to fire you. 我已经告诉你多少次了,要按时上班。但你对我的话左耳进右耳出。所以我只好解雇你了。

tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 17-11-2014 15:15:00 | 显示全部楼层

本帖最后由 tuzi2011 于 17-11-2014 16:48 编辑


使用道具 举报

tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 17-11-2014 16:47:19 | 显示全部楼层


        1 Opposites attract.

        1 异性相吸

  2 The feeling is mutual.

   2 有同感

  3 the calm before the storm

   3 暴风雨前的宁静

  4 The early bird catches the worm

   4 早起的鸟儿有虫吃

  5 Better left unsaid.

  5 最好还是不要说

    6 Tomorrow is another day.

  6 明天又是崭新的一天

    7 come out in the wash

   7 真相大白;得到圆满的结果

  8 Every dog has his day.

   8 十年风水轮流转

  9 bury the hatchet

   9 言归于好;和好

  10 A good man is hard to find.

   10 好人难找

  11 in the nick of time

   11 及时

  12 Don't speak too soon.

   12 别说的太早

  13 There's no such thing as a free lunch.

   13 天下没有免费的午餐

  14 without batting an eyelid

   14 眼睛眨都不眨;泰然自若

  15 know the ropes

   15 知道学习规则或内容

  16 pay through the nose

   16 花很多钱

  17 sell like hot cakes

   17 很畅销

  18 What's done is done.

   18 做了就做了

  19 Look before you leap.

   19 三思而后行

  20 When the chips are down.

   20 在重要关头;到了关键时刻

  21 bet one's bottom dollar

   21 确信无疑

  22 Variety is the spice of life.

   22 多样化的丰富生活

  23 a wolf in sheep's clothing

   23 披着羊皮的狼

  24 Haste makes waste.

   24 欲速则不达

  25 like a bull in a china shop

   25 笨手笨脚;莽撞行事

tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 18-11-2014 16:03:44 | 显示全部楼层

要夸奖和鼓励别人的工作,我们都知道要说"Well done!","Nice doing!",今天我们来学习另外一种夸奖和鼓励的表达,和 way 有关的表达法。:)

1. Way to go! 做得好!加油!
Daisy, keep your hands up. Way to go. Very good.
大家有没有小时候学琴的经历,老师常常要提醒学员要把双手抬高(使手与琴键平行)。当大家在学一件新的东西时,常常鼓励他们是很好的事。 "Way to go." 是"That's the way to go." 的缩写,是用来告诉一个人"他做得很好,请继续保持"。有一点像中文里的"加油"的意味,是一个常常在一些竞赛活动(球赛、赛车等)中都可以听到的俚语哦。
2. Way 作为副词的用法
大家一定对"way"作为名词的用法不陌生, 但是大家可能不知道"way"还可以作副词,而且在美国口语里非常普遍。除了说"It's so cool!(真酷)",你还可以说"It's way cool (真酷)!""way"在这里就相当于"very, so"。
如果有人问你你的男朋友是不是高过你,如果他确实高过你很多,除了说"Yes, he is a lot taller than me", 你可以更加地道地说一句 "Yes, he is WAY taller than me (他高过我可不是一点点)。这里"way"的用法指"by a large amount (大大地)。

tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 25-11-2014 15:15:43 | 显示全部楼层


"杯具"英语怎么说呢?bummer (令人恶心的经历,令人不愉快的经历) 比如说My wallet was stolen today, what a bummer! 我的钱包被偷了,真杯具啊。


Now, the bad news: the book is a bummer.

1 .  tragedy

2. cothurnus
coterminous 相连的...cothurnus 悲剧...cotidal line 同潮线

3. cothurnus, tragedy
comedy of situation, situation comedy 情节喜剧?...cothurnus, tragedy 悲剧?...highcomedy 主题严厉、含义深长的喜剧?

4. buskin
busker 卖艺人...buskin 悲剧...buskined 穿半统靴的

tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 3-12-2014 11:45:56 | 显示全部楼层


1.Maria's a terrible gossip. She's always talking about everybody else in the office.

Gossip: a person who enjoys talking about other people's private lives

2. Jane is quite relaxed and easy-going about most things.

Easy-going: relaxed and happy to accept things without worrying or getting angry

3.People often say the British are very reserved.

Reserved: (of a person or their character ) slow or unwilling to show feelings or express opinions
(人或性格) 内向的;寡言少语的;矜持的
a reserved man/manner 矜持的人/态度

4. When you get to know them they can be very emotional like anyone else.

Emotional: showing strong emotions, sometimes in a way that other people think is unnecessary
an emotional outburst/response/reaction

5. Bob is such a big-head. He never stops telling people how wonderful he is.

Big-head  傲慢的人,自负的人,自吹是行家的人

6.Robert's quite an extrovert.

Extrovert: a lively and confident person who enjoys being with other people

7.Andrew is a terrific guy. He's really generous with both his time and his money.

8.Mike's girlfriend is a bit cold, a bit distant.

Distant: not friendly; not wanting a close relationship with sb

9.He is quite a good man except for his quick temper.

10. I feel more cheerful and optimistic when it's sunny.

tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 3-12-2014 12:18:27 | 显示全部楼层

本帖最后由 tuzi2011 于 8-12-2014 11:08 编辑


使用道具 举报

tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 8-12-2014 11:07:38 | 显示全部楼层

[1] 妙趣横生的大小写

大写China 指“中国”;小写china指“瓷器”。
大写Russia 指“俄罗斯”;小写russia指“俄罗斯皮革”。
大写Turkey 指“土耳其”;小写turkey指“火鸡”。

[2] 妙趣横生的含义

one-two 是“拳击中连击两次”,而不是一种“一二”。
In two twos是“立刻”,而不是一种“两两之间”。
Four o'clock是“紫茉莉或食蜜鸟”,而不是“四点”。
Four Hundred 是“名流、上层”,而不是“四百”。
At sixes and sevens是“乱七八糟”,而和“六”无关。
Seven-Hill City是“罗马”,而不是一种“七山市”。
Eight-ball是“老实人”,这里的“八” 和“发”无关。
To the tens是“打扮得极为华丽”,而非“数到十”。

a white day是“良晨吉日”,而不是一种“大白天”。
a white elephant是“沉重的负担”,而不是一种“白象”。
White lie是“善意的谎言”,而和 “白色” 无关。
Green room是“演员休息室”,而不是“绿色房间”。
White room是“绝尘室”,而不是“白色房间”。
White house是“白宫”,而不是普通的“白房子”。
Black tea是“红茶”,而不是“黑茶”。
Talk fish是“吹牛”,而不是“谈鱼”。
Morning glory是“牵牛花”,而不是“早晨的光荣”。
Lead pencil是“铅笔”,它是“石墨”做的,而和 “铅(lead)” 无关。
Silk worm是“蚕”,既不是“寄生虫”,也不是“可怜虫”。
Barber's cat是“面黄肌瘦的人”,而不是“理发师的猫”。
Rain cats and dogs是“大雨倾盆”,而不是门上的“下猫和狗”。
Lucky dog是“幸运儿”,而不是“幸运狗”。
Friendly camera是“傻瓜照相机”,而不是什么“友好摄影机”。
Writing brush是“毛笔”,而不是一种“刷子”。
Small potato是“小人物”,而不是一种“小土豆”。
Big potato是“大人物”,而不是一种“大土豆”。
pull one's leg是“愚弄某人”,而不是“拉后腿”。
cast pearls before the swine是“对牛弹琴”,而不是“给猪扔珍珠”。
live a dog’s life是“过着牛马不如的生活”,而不是“过狗生活”。
dumb as an oyster是“守口如瓶”,而不是“不能说话的牡蛎”。
Send in someone's jacket是“辞职”,而不是“送去某人的茄克”。
Put down your jacket是“别激动”,而不是“领取你的茄克”。
Jack leg是“外行”,而不是“杰克的腿”。
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