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6646 LV11

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pull down        demolish
pull off             manage to do sth successfully
put out            withdraw
pull through    recover from an illness or operation
put across        convey a message
put off             postpone

6646 LV11

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动词词组 固定搭配

last but not least    importantly, despite being mentioned after everyone else
last ditch                 an effort or attempt that is made at the end of a series of failiures to solve a problem
latch on                   take hold or attach oneself to; adopt; understand
laughing stock       a person subjected to general mockery or ridicule

6646 LV11

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fall on deaf ears      ( of a statement or request) be ignored
fall out with sb        have an argument; quarrel, argue, row, fight
fall short of              ( of a missle) fall to reach its target
fall through             fail; miscarry

6646 LV11

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put on              put clothing onto your body; stage
put out            extingusih a fire
put up             stay at someone's house for a few days
put up with      tolerate
root for            support
root up             dig a plant from the ground

6646 LV11

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set about       start doing sth
set back         hinder
set off            start a journey; trigger an alarm
set up            prepare things for a presentation

6646 LV11

发表于 半年前 | 显示全部楼层

At blinding speed, and barely breaking a sweat, he cruises the streets on a 3m-tall, custom-made bike.

His face froze into a grin of terror.

Many Cubans have grown accustomed to shortages of basic household goods.

He relishes the thrill of pedalling through Havana.

6646 LV11

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使用道具 举报

6646 LV11

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This unassuming-looking lady, who was born in 1887, and lived to the age of 92, did indeed end up shaping the sound of the modern world.


All these musical giants,  so different yet so groundbreaking in their own ways, studied with Boulanger.


Yet Boulganger was no shrinking violet.


6646 LV11

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It left a social and architecural imprint on the city of Utrecht that is felt to this day.


The boats in Amsterdam were plucked from the water and transported over several fields.


Utrecht seems to have borne the brunt of the damage.


For instance, eyewitness accounts suggest that central part of the front passed over Utrecht slightly ahead of the flanks, which fits with the idea that the front was slightly curved into a bow-shaped arc.

6646 LV11

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本帖最后由 6646 于 30-4-2017 13:11 编辑


Rather than risk the livesof thousands of soldiers battling fierce Soviet resistance, the generals choseinstead to blockade the city.


Seventy years later, that plane has surfaced on the other side of the world.


We examine the bath-likerusted central section of the aircraft, propped up on a stand in the museum’srestoration hangar
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