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6646 LV11

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From groundlevel, it didn’t look like much. In fact, the scene looked like a lot of ruralJapan: rice paddies with tender shoots in shades of green, rippling in the windand stretching off into the horizon. Bucolic, surely, but nothing unusual.


It was soimpressive it almost looked as though the monster would rise up out of thefield and start crushing the little houses in the distance under his feet,perhaps crunching a few humans in his well-defined teeth.


This astonishingart form is something that hundreds of thousands of people are flocking to thevillage of Inakadate, in Japan’s northern Aomori Prefecture, to see.


The imaginative undertaking started back in1992, when the then-mayor instructed his staff to think of an event that woulddraw crowds to the village.

6646 LV11

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The images begin to emerge from the mud sometimein June, but the living paintings reach peak splendour in July and August, whenthe viewing areas are crowded with spectators.


The uncovering of legions  of life-like terracotta warriors excited Chinaand thrilled the world


Time and the ravages  of nature have also robbed the warriors of thereal weapons they once bore.

6646 LV11

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Intriguingly, thesheer number of warriors and their armoury suggest they were made through anearly form of mass production. And, yet, should we have expected anything lessfrom Qin Shi Huang, the dynamic young king who united China in 221 BCE andforged his vast empire together through the imposition of single systems of writing,money, weights and measures along with die-straight canals and roads? Toprotect his northern border, the emperor began construction of the Great Wallof China.


6646 LV11

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It’s nearlyimpossible to visit Germany and not eat Currywurstor or Bratwurst, two ubiquitous sausage dishes. But regardless of thesausage’s fame, it seems that Germans can’t get enough of the döner kebab.


Kadir Nurman and Mehmet Aygun are the two men creditedfor its invention in Berlin nearly 50 years ago.


6646 LV11

发表于 半年前 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


in a split of second

6646 LV11

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如何区分单复数 majority?

majority are / majority is
[size=0.94]“Majority” is one of those words that can be either singular or plural. Common sense works pretty well in deciding which. If you mean the word to describe a collection of individuals, then the word should be treated as plural: “The majority of e-mail users are upset about the increase in spam.” If the word is used to describe a collective group, then consider it singular: “A 90% majority is opposed to scheduling the next meeting at 6:00 A.M.” If you are uncertain which you mean, then choose whatever form sounds best to you; it’s not likely to bother many people.
[size=0.94]“Majority” should be used only with countable nouns: “he ate the majority of the cookies,” but not “he ate the majority of the pie.” Instead say, “he ate most of the pie.”


6646 LV11

发表于 半年前 | 显示全部楼层

英语词汇 一词双解
动词 cobble  roughly assemble or produce sth from available parts or elements
名词 cobble  a small round stone used to cover road surface


6646 LV11

发表于 半年前 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


6646 LV11

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Cured hams dangle from the ceiling, port and Madeira wines complete for shelf space and slabs of golden cheese await the blade.


6646 LV11

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Racing against the clock, scientists and engineers worked day andnight to solve the problem.


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