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6646 LV11

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puff up with

- be very proud of themselves and think that they are very important.

He was too puffed up with his own importance, too blinded by vanity to accept their verdict on him.

Washington is extremely puffed up with pride politically and culturally. It is also severely misunderstanding the history of human development.

6646 LV11

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in the middle of nowhere

非常偏远的地方 or 鸟不拉屎的地方

Deep in the heart of a rocky valley on the outskirts of Beijing, a wooden library sits seemingly in the middle of nowhere.

We got lost in the middle of nowhere.

6646 LV11

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strip someone of something

- take something important, such as a title, away from someone as a punishment

The move would strip Elon Musk of his role at Tesla and could make it difficult for the firm to raise money at a critical moment for the company.

He was stripped of his knighthood after he was convicted of stealing from the company.

6646 LV11

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to one's name

- belonging to one

I haven't a dollar/dime/penny to my name.

She has more than 20 novels to her name.

6646 LV11

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learn the ropes

- learn or understand the basic details of how to do or perform a job, task, or activity 学基本功

We have a few high-priority projects we need to get done now, so you'll need to learn the ropes on your own.

This class is intense! They don't even give you a chance to learn the ropes before they throw an exam at you.

6646 LV11

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square up

- to prepare to fight, compete, or argue with someone

The players squared up to each other and started shouting.

He squared up to the guy who had been making lewd remarks about his girlfriend. 

Protestors squared up to police during the march, but thankfully there was no violence.

6646 LV11

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* A grunt is the sound you make if you pick up something heavy,  when trying without succes to turn the key to open the lock, so it's a kind of pain/anger/impotence...or if someone punches you in the stomach. It is also how we describe the sound someone gives to an answer (it is not yes or no, it is a grunt).

- I asked him if he would help me, but he only grunted.

* A growl is the low sound a dog makes when it is acting aggressive.

- For people, it is the way an angry or disgruntled person talks:
    Don't growl at me; I didn't break your hammer.

* A groan is a sound made in response to pain (呻吟) or unwanted news.

- The patient groaned when the nurse changed the bandage.
- When the teacher announced the homework assignment, the class groaned in unison.

It also describes the sound of furniture or machinery straining.

- The chair groaned loudly when the fat man sat down.

* Snarl is similar to growl, except that the lips are curled up to show the teeth. It is more threatening.

- A snarling person is very unpleasant:
    I offered to help him, but he snarled that I should leave immediately, so I did.

6646 LV11

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He stretched his claws and arched his back,and his fur stood up like It was full of electricity.


He was a purring fluffy ball.

6646 LV11

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drive at something

- to be making a point; to be hinting at something; to work up to making a point.

What are you driving at? What's the point?

I could tell Mary was driving at something, but I didn't know what it was.

6646 LV11

发表于 半年前 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


marvel at (someone or something)

- to look at something and feel or express astonishment, wonder, or admiration.

Every year, thousands of tourists come to marvel at the work of the brilliant architect.

We've been marveling at your painting, John. It's absolutely incredible!

But the reason I was here was not to marvel at the daring kayakers as they surfed the standing waves. Instead, I had come to ask about the name of the place.
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