6646 LV11
发表于 半年前
* A grunt is the sound you make if you pick up something heavy, when trying without succes to turn the key to open the lock, so it's a kind of pain/anger/impotence...or if someone punches you in the stomach. It is also how we describe the sound someone gives to an answer (it is not yes or no, it is a grunt).
- I asked him if he would help me, but he only grunted.
* A growl is the low sound a dog makes when it is acting aggressive.
- For people, it is the way an angry or disgruntled person talks:
Don't growl at me; I didn't break your hammer.
* A groan is a sound made in response to pain (呻吟) or unwanted news.
- The patient groaned when the nurse changed the bandage.
- When the teacher announced the homework assignment, the class groaned in unison.
It also describes the sound of furniture or machinery straining.
- The chair groaned loudly when the fat man sat down.
* Snarl is similar to growl, except that the lips are curled up to show the teeth. It is more threatening.
- A snarling person is very unpleasant:
I offered to help him, but he snarled that I should leave immediately, so I did. |