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6646 LV11

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本帖最后由 6646 于 1-2-2017 09:06 编辑


get to grips with something

get one's fix of something

get round/around

get the hang of something

6646 LV11

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We can use 'could have'  to talk about something somebody was capable of doing but didn't do.
  • I could have gone to Oxford University but I preferred Harvard.
  • She could have married him but she didn't want to.
  • They could have bought a house here 20 years ago but chose not to.
Often, there is a sense of criticism.
  • You could have phoned me to let me know.
  • They could have helped me instead of just sitting there.
  • I could have done more to help you. Sorry.
We can use 'couldn't have' to talk about something we were not capable of doing.
  • I couldn't have managed without you.
  • I couldn't have got the job. He was always going to appoint his nephew.
  • I couldn't have enjoyed myself more. Thank you for a lovely day.
We can use 'could have' to speculate about what has happened. (We can also use 'may have' or 'might have' in these situations.)
  • She could have taken the earlier train.
  • Simon could have told her.
  • They could have overheard what we said.
We can also use 'can have' to speculate about what has happened but only in questions and negative sentences and with words such as 'hardly', 'never' and 'only'.
  • Can she have forgotten about our meeting?
  • He can't have seen us.
  • They can hardly have thought that I was not interested in the job.
We can also use 'could have' to speculate about something that didn't happen.
  • You could have broken your neck, jumping out the window like that.
  • He could have hurt somebody, throwing a bottle out of the window like that.
  • I could have done well in my exam if I'd worked harder.
You can also use 'could have' to talk about possible present situations that have not happened.
  • I could have been earning a lot as an accountant but the work was just too boring.
  • He could have been Prime Minister now but he got involved in a big financial scandal.
  • They could have been the market leaders now if they had taken his advice.

6646 LV11

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Good Riddance
piss off

6646 LV11

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A smile broke at her face.

To tell the truth, I also grew afraid.

She smiled at me kindly.

I went home with my head in the clouds, and my heart on fire with love.

6646 LV11

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本帖最后由 6646 于 5-2-2017 18:39 编辑


exasperate, wimple, penitence, flibbertigibbet, bemuse, flighty, pester, dejected

6646 LV11

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moor, bog,

6646 LV11

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容易混淆动词词组 phrasal verbs

give up vs give in

Give up and give in are similar expressions with different meanings. They can sometimes be confusing.
To give up means to stop trying to do something because you are not having success doing it:

I still haven’t found a job, but I’m not giving up yet.
We spent all day looking for the dog, but we gave up when it got dark.
Give up is often followed by a verb in its present participle (-ing) form:

When nightfall came, we gave up looking for the lost dog.
I’ve given up trying to reason with you.

Give up can also mean to stop doing something that you have been doing for a period of time.

Her doctor advised her to give up smoking.
He gave up basketball in order to focus on his musical career.

To give in means to stop trying to fight or resist something:

The factory workers have been on strike for weeks, but neither they nor the factory owners show any signs of giving in and trying to work out a compromise.

Arthritis has made it difficult for Walter to keep doing his job, but he won’t give in and retire.

The phrase is often followed by the preposition to:

Kids must try hard to resist giving in to peer pressure.
The authorities refused to give in to the hostage takers’ demands.

6646 LV11

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本帖最后由 6646 于 8-2-2017 08:28 编辑

lounge & caress
I was lounging on a deck chair under the warm caress of the sun.

marvel at & drift
Having given up on reading, I am instead idly marvelling at the red-orange hues of my closed eyelids, I have very nearly drifted into a delicious nap...

snap & hual
My mind snaps rapidly back into focus, my reluctant consciousness hauled back from the depths of blissful oblivision.

dance & buzz
These annoying mosquitos always dance around my ears, buzzing gleefully, as if to announce their presence and ill intentions to me.

6646 LV11

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eccentric, ubiquitous, voracious, industrious, herald, poise

6646 LV11

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let go & fade
Many kids eventually let go of these dreams, but my dream never seemed to fade.
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