本帖最后由 MarksMan8989 于 2-12-2024 00:04 编辑
您好我是Bill Tan, 你正在寻找资金嘛? 也不知该如何寻找 请联络我 你的财务顾问
如号码打不通可以点下面的连接找到我 JUST VIA WHATSAPP : HELP LINK
Wechat微信号:BestCredit888 Over the years, our money lending services have helped countless individuals with Click Credit Sales. The types of services we provide are: 多年来,我们的放贷服务帮助了无数快速现金的个人。我们提供的服务类型包括:
灵活性还款配套 $$$还款配套(天账 ,星期账 ,月账, 年账 $$$ 无需任何定金 No upfront payment needed 
Personal information is information about you from which your identity is apparent. Protecting your privacy is fundamental to the way we at CLICK CREDIT SALES do our business. This document sets out the way we will collect, store and use your personal information. The information we collect are:- Your name, residential address and telephone number;
- Your date of birth;
- Your contact number;
- Your employer details, and
- Other identification information such as work pass and passport details
Other information we collect are detailed in the eligibility section.
个人信息是您身份明显的信息。保护您的隐私是我们 CLICK CREDIT SALES 开展业务的基础。本文档阐述了我们收集,存储和使用您的个人信息的方式。我们收集的信息是: - 您的姓名,住址和电话号码;
- 您的出生日期;
- 你的联系电话;
- 您的雇主详细信息,以及
- 其他身份信息,如工作准证和护照详细信息。!
Applicant information is absolutely confidential!!