
2005-01-28 · 18978 阅读





※ 亮白淨化系列 ※ 亮白淨化面膜 33 g./片,3片/盒 (69SGD一盒,2盒135SGD) Melasleep Whitening Series Melasleep Whitening Mask 33 g./piece,3pieces/pack 產品特色 / Characteristics:

生物纖維面膜 由複合微生物菌群自然發酵產生的有機奈米纖維,是目前自然界中最微細的生物纖維,歐美醫界當作心血管修復材料與人工皮膚,是最安全的面膜質材。直徑僅有20奈米,是石化面膜(不織布面膜)纖維的133分之1,能與肌膚極度密合。具「類離子導入」的功能,使精華液置入肌膚更有效率,增加微循環。除一般亮白淨化保養之外,同時也適合脈衝光、果酸換膚、雷射…等美容療程後,呵護肌膚專用。 Bio- Cellulos Fibers mask Organic nano fiber naturally fermentated by complex microorganism flora is so far the thinnest bio fiber in the natural world, taken as cardiovascular reparing material and artificial skin by European and US doctors, considered as the safest mask material. Its diameter is only 20 nanometers, one of 133rd to petrochemical mask (nowoven fabric mask)fiber, and matches tightly to the skin. Possessing “Iontophoresis-type” function, making essence more effectively to be placed into skin, increasing micro-circulation. Except for ordinary whitening skin-care, it is suitable for skin caring after beauty care therapy process like, Intense Pulse Light, chemical peeling, laser…etc.

同時含有兩種淨白膚色專利配方內含Lumiskin與Melaclear2,為德國默克藥廠專利亮白淨化配方。其中Lumiskin為最新發現可影響黑色素生成的關鍵物質,藉由維持酪胺酸酵素的非活性狀態,干擾黑色素生成。 Containing two kinds of complexion brightening patent formula Lumiskin and Melaclear2 included, the whitening patent formula of German Merck Pharma. In which the Lumiskin is the lately discovered essential substance influencing melanin formation, which interferes melanin formation by way of keeping tyrosinase inactive.

Matrixyl胺基酸抗皺專利配方添加Matrixyl,可刺激肌膚生成第一、三、四型膠原蛋白,使肌膚水嫩有彈性。 Matrixyl Amino acid anti-wrinkle patent formula Matrixyl added to stimulate the generation of type 1, 3, and 4 collagen, to make the skin hydrated and elastic.

添加去醣基大豆異黃酮去醣基大豆異黃酮素,才能被肌膚上的女性荷爾蒙接收器接受,效果超過一般含醣基異黃酮數倍以上。異黃酮可啟動體內抗氧化系統,清除自由基。 4. Isofalvone aglycone added Only Aglycone Isoflavone can be accepted by the female hormone receptor on the skin; the effect are several times that of common non-aglycone isoflavone. Isoflavone Aglycone can activate the anti-oxidization system in the body to eliminate free-radicals.

產品成分介紹/Major Ingredients and Functions ●Lumiskin 藉由調整鈣離子濃度,讓酪胺酸酵素處於非活性狀態,避免黑色素生成。 Lumiskin prevents melanin from forming by way of adjusting calcium ion density to keep the tyrosinase in inactive state. ●Melaclear2 利用多種方式干擾酪氨酸酵素活性;內含的蛋白質分解酵素能加速斑點、角質去除,使膚色迅速變得明亮、瑕疵淨化。 Melaclear2 interferes tyrosinase activity by multiple ways; protease included to accelerate spot/keratin removing, rapidly making the complexion bright and flaws eliminated. ●Matrixyl 可激活真皮層中纖維母細胞,分泌膠原蛋白,改善因陽光所形成的老化問題。 Matrixyl activates fibroblasts in the dermal layer to secrete collagen, inmroving aging problem caused by sunlight. ●西印度櫻桃萃取精華 西印度櫻桃是維他命C含量最豐富的水果。維他命C是可使已生成黑色素還原,並具抗氧化作用。 West Indian cheeries are a fruit most abundant in vitamin C; vitamin C is the reductant for generated melanin. ●甘草萃取精華 可抑制酪胺酸酵素。 Licorice extract essence inhibits tyrosinase. ●去醣基大豆異黃酮 植物性女性荷爾蒙可啟動人體內抗氧化系統的功能,以清除自由基。 Isoflavone Aglycone(phytoestrogens)can activate the anti-oxidization system in the body to eliminate free radicals. ●維他命E 是抗老元素。 vitamin E anti-aging element. ●維他命B5 可提供細胞修護養分。 Vitamin B5 repairng epidermal cells

適用對象 / Suitable Users:

●需要全方位淨白者。 Those who need all dimensional whitening skincare. ●希望同時做到抗氧化保護者。 oping for anti-oxidization protection at the same time. ●希望保養步驟簡單但效果周全者。 Hoping for simple skincare steps with complete effects. ●肌膚暗沉無光澤,已經出現斑點失去彈性者。 Skin that is darkened, showing spots, and losing elasticity. ●希望膚色明亮淨白、提早預防斑點產生者。 Hoping for a clearer complexion, preventing spots in advance. ●經常活動於陽光下,或希望皺紋淡化者。 Those who are frequently exposed to sunlight or hoping to eliminate wrinles. 亮白淨化精華液使用方式 / Directions for whitening essence:

●早晚徹底清潔臉部後。 Cleanse facial part in the morning and night before applying the mask. ●撕開亮白淨化面膜包裝,面膜共有三層,取出中間具彈性、呈透明狀的生物纖維面膜。 Tear open mask pack; totally three layers for one mask, take the middle part that is elastic and transparent- the Bio- Cellulos Fibers mask. ●將面膜潮濕的一面(與半透明紙膜貼合的一面)完全服貼於臉部。 Press tightly the wet side (which fits to the semi-transparency paper coat) of the mask against face. ●15-20分後,將面膜取下,不需沖洗,即可進行一般之日常保養。 Remove the mask 15-20 minutes later, and keep on daily skincare process with no need for rinsing. 備註:面膜前使用Melasleep Whitening亮白淨化精華液,可使亮白膚色效果加倍,淡斑淨白更快速。 Note: Applying Melasleep Whitening essence before mask can double the skin brightening effect, speeding up spot correcting.



寵愛之名 - 生物纖維面膜組- 人蔘精華加強精裝版(59SGD一盒,2盒115SGD)

■ 內含面膜三片:33g x 3 (注意:此組合不含安瓶裝的精華液)

※ 寵愛之名 ※ 高效抗皺保濕面膜組合三片裝,是蓓蓓另外精心設計的新組合。 此組合最主要的不同之處是面膜所含的精華液,其人參菁華含量更高,效果也更好。

想試試生物纖維面膜的神奇效果,卻又不敢貿然嘗試的朋友,3片裝是最佳的入門試用品!! 如果您對產品有任何問題,歡迎寫信到客服信箱詢問。

* 適用情況

脈衝光、果酸換膚、雷射美容....等專業醫學美容療程後,呵護肌膚專用。 20歲以上,肌膚開始出現暗沉、斑點、乾燥與?紋現象者,可以快速提升肌膚真皮層再生膠原蛋白的能力。 熬夜、身理期或身體疲憊不適時,緊急使用可以使肌膚恢復明亮光彩。 幫助肌膚保水度有效提升,加強鎖水能力,肌膚觸感水嫩有彈性。

* 使用方式

早晚徹底清潔臉部。 面膜共有三層,取出中間具彈性、呈透明狀的生物纖維面膜。 將面膜潮濕的一面(與半透明紙膜貼合的一面)完全服貼於臉部。 15-20分後,將面膜取下,不需沖洗,即可進行一般之日常保養。


※ 寵愛之名 ※ 膠原蛋白 (28SGD一瓶,2瓶52SGD,3瓶78SGD)

(PS<这个价钱很合算,比FANCL的胶员蛋白饮料来的合算,比较能承受价格,呵呵,FANCL10天的量70SGD,这个10天一瓶才28哦~!) 「寵愛之名 膠原蛋白」,是市面上第一瓶結合膠原蛋白與去醣基大豆異黃酮素的美顏健康補給品。 在過去,含有大豆異黃酮素的健康食品通常僅適合已屆更年期或年紀較長的女性補充, 現在「寵愛之名 膠原蛋白」是專為18歲以上都會時尚女性所設計的養顏食品, 萃取兩者精華,以內服方式強化吸收,讓人由裡到外散發自信光彩。



※ 亮白淨化系列 ※ 亮白淨化精華液 3 ml/支,5支/盒 (105SGD一盒,2盒208SGD)

(一支可以用1周,每盒可以用35天呢) Melasleep Whitening Series Whitening Mask Whitening Essence 3 ml/bottle,5 bottles/case

擁有白皙肌膚向來是亞洲女性的夢想,而市面上美白產品大多只含有一種淨白成份,僅能事後淡化黑斑,或是減少黑色素形成,成效相當有限。 唯有「For Beloved One寵愛之名 亮白淨化系列」內含兩種世界級專利淨白配方,以最新科技凍結黑色素生成機制,讓黑色素細胞處於類似冬眠的非活性狀態;再配合西印度櫻桃萃取液與蛋白質分解酵素,加速新陳代謝、還原被染色的細胞,還妳白淨素顏。 Asian female have always dreamed to have fair skin, while most whitening products in the market have only one kind of whitening ingredient, only working post hoc to correcting spot or reducing melanin formation, and are of limited effect. Only “For Beloved One Whitening Series” is inclusive of two world patent class whitening formula, keeping the melanin cells in hibernant-like inactive state by way of the latest melanin formation mechanism freezing technology, combined with West Indian cheery extract and protease to accelerate metabolism, reduce dyed cells, giving you’re a clear fair look again.

產品特色 / Characteristics:

同時含有兩種淨白膚色專利配方內含Lumiskin與Melaclear2,為德國默克藥廠專利亮白淨化配方。其中Lumiskin為生化學家最新發現可影響黑色素生成的關鍵物質,藉由維持酪胺酸?的非活性狀態,干擾黑色素生成。 Matrixyl Amino acid anti-wrinkle patent formula Matrixyl added to stimulate the generation of type 1, 3, and 4 collagen, to make the skin hydrated and elastic 添加去醣基大豆異黃酮 去醣基大豆異黃酮素,才能被肌膚上的女性荷爾蒙接收器接受,效果超過一般含醣基異黃酮數倍以上。異黃酮可啟動體內抗氧化系統,清除自由基。 Isofalvone aglycone added Only Aglycone Isoflavone can be accepted by the female hormone receptor on the skin; the effect are several times that of common non-aglycone isoflavone. Isoflavone Aglycone can activate the anti-oxidization system in the body to eliminate free-radicals.

產品成分介紹/Major Ingredients and Functions ●Lumiskin 藉由調整鈣離子濃度,讓酪胺酸酵素處於非活性狀態,避免黑色素生成。 Lumiskin prevents melanin from forming by way of adjusting calcium ion density to keep the tyrosinase in inactive state. ●Melaclear2 利用多種方式干擾酪氨酸酵素活性;內含的蛋白質分解酵素能加速斑點、角質去除,使膚色迅速變得明亮、瑕疵淨化。 Melaclear2 interferes tyrosinase activity by multiple ways; protease included to accelerate spot/keratin removing, rapidly making the complexion bright and flaws eliminated. ●Matrixyl 可激活真皮層中纖維母細胞,分泌膠原蛋白,改善因陽光所形成的老化問題。 Matrixyl activates fibroblasts in the dermal layer to secrete collagen, inmroving aging problem caused by sunlight. ●西印度櫻桃萃取精華 西印度櫻桃是維他命C含量最豐富的水果。維他命C是可使已生成黑色素還原,並具抗氧化作用。 West Indian cheeries are a fruit most abundant in vitamin C; vitamin C is the reductant for generated melanin. ●甘草萃取精華 可抑制酪胺酸酵素。 Licorice extract essence inhibits tyrosinase. ●去醣基大豆異黃酮 植物性女性荷爾蒙可啟動人體內抗氧化系統的功能,以清除自由基。 Isoflavone Aglycone(phytoestrogens)can activate the anti-oxidization system in the body to eliminate free radicals. ●維他命E 是抗老元素。 vitamin E anti-aging element. ●維他命B5 可提供細胞修護養分。 Vitamin B5 repairng epidermal cells

適用對象 / Suitable Users:

●需要全方位淨白者。 Those who need all dimensional whitening skincare. ●希望同時做到抗氧化保護者。 oping for anti-oxidization protection at the same time. ●希望保養步驟簡單但效果周全者。 Hoping for simple skincare steps with complete effects. ●肌膚暗沉無光澤,已經出現斑點失去彈性者。 Skin that is darkened, showing spots, and losing elasticity. ●希望膚色明亮淨白、提早預防斑點產生者。 Hoping for a clearer complexion, preventing spots in advance. ●經常活動於陽光下,或希望皺紋淡化者。 Those who are frequently exposed to sunlight or hoping to eliminate wrinles. 亮白淨化精華液使用方式 / Directions for whitening essence:

●晚間徹底清潔臉部,化妝水後使用。 Apply after thoroughly cleansing the facial part and the tonic water. ●以精華液5~7滴塗抹於臉部。 Apply 5~7 drops of essence to the face. ●每支精華液可用7天。5支精華液可用35天。 One bottle of essence is of a 7-day dose. 5 bottles of essence are for 35 days. ●建議每隔3~5天,於精華液後同時搭配一片「亮白淨化生物纖維面膜」,美白效果更好。 It is suggested to apply one whitening Bio- Cellulos Fibers mask every 3~5 days after essence, to make the whitening effect even better.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-5 21:46:15编辑过]
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SnowySher LV15

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掐掐死我吧 LV6

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SnowySher LV15

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以下是引用掐掐死我吧在2005-1-28 22:04:32的发言: 我也要,,,不过没想好要什么。。。




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SnowySher LV15

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以下是引用Annie_xj在2005-1-28 21:24:18的发言:

亲爱的 我也想败


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andreazj LV12

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老鼠宝宝 LV14

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亲亲小百合 LV10

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以下是引用SnowySher在2005-1-28 19:16:18的发言: ]

亲爱D..... [em02][em02][em04][em04]


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SnowySher LV15

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