2004-10-13 · 4991 阅读
<P ><FONT size=3>His name's Hugo, he smells Hugo boss... <p></p></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3>So he walked up to me in freshers' party and asked in a deep Scottish accent,</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3> 'can I have a cigarette?' </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3>How weird can that be? For guys here to ask girls for cigarette while girls paying in front of them seems to be strictly forbidden in most occasions. But however astonished, I still brought my cigarette packet to him, never forgetting to remind him,' you own me one Marlboro light and I’ll be after you if you're not gonna return it to me!'<p></p></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3>And he happened to be my neighbor.<p></p></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3>He’s particular with cleanliness, as he will change his t-shirt and towel once everyday. Things he does are as weird as his look, half Japanese half Irish with a pair of deep green eyes... I tried to hold my breath when I looked into his eyes while heartbeats continue accelerating, and he said<p></p></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3>' Can I have your phone number so that I can give you a buzz when i am too lazy to do my laundry?'<p></p></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3>God believes it! He is rude! But whatever reason I have, I left him my number and spent 2 pounds + energy for squeezing every dirty clothes of his into washer and dryer machines. However, I made him promised to feed me with Marlboro lights in return. A bargain! <p></p></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3>Although doing laundry for a guy seems to be the most unbelievable job for an independent girl as I am, I find it not as bad as I thought. I love the feeling each time I am holding piles of his dirty t-shirts while his Hugo boss smell surrounds and infiltrates me. I’ve never loved Hugo boss before. For a guy, it's too spicy as well as sweet. But just as somebody said before, fragrance is never fragrance if it doesn't suit a right person, which dawned on me at the moment I spot the Hugo boss smell from Hugo. That proves to be the perfect match, as he is both Hugo and bossy.</FONT> <p></p></P>

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-13 3:58:23编辑过]

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Kit LV7

发表于 13-10-2004 13:35:19 | 显示全部楼层

<P>hahahaha.......</P><P>i heard there're pretty many handsome guys with good personalities available in uk..compared to the ladies..there're just a few "mei nv" out there...and i must say..u r just one of the few..</P><P>glad to hear from u...and share ur love stories..or i should say "incident"...(still remember u taught me this somerset mrt)..haha...but i don remember u u started ?? </P><P>guess many things happened since we first met..since u guys broke up... since u left sg.... both to u &amp; me.. hope to meet u again if there's a chance................... let's smoke together..i got my menthol lucky strike... u can't find in sg..</P><P>u know wat....i started to listen to chinese (or i should say cantonese songs) recently.........strange..cos i wanna have a change over myself..</P><P>how bout u........u sound still like u were before...never change a bit..rite?</P><P>anyway..hit me back........................and do u use friendster?? add me at :[email protected] (guess u don usually go online..)&lt;------------ add me at msn also...</P>

Kit LV7

发表于 13-10-2004 16:58:36 | 显示全部楼层

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>撒旦的猫</I>在2004-10-13 0:08:59的发言:</B> <P>KIT BABE!!!</P><P>haven't seen you for ages.... and im juz being emotional today to log on to this website, wanting to find pieces of revocative warmth....which could protect me from the moody weather here.... </P><P>how are you doing? it's rare for me to spot a familiar name in this bbs nowadays.... </P></DIV><P>hey yo.................
<P>how ya doing in!!!!!!!!
<P>it's been a long time..long long time.....since last time we met....10 months? or even longer...
<P>add me in msn..if u see this....................lost contact wif ya..
<P>[email protected]</P><img src="">

Kit LV7

发表于 13-10-2004 16:59:07 | 显示全部楼层

looking forward to see part 2... 3...4..5...6........etc

撒旦的猫 LV4

发表于 13-10-2004 19:15:06 | 显示全部楼层

<P>[em02][em02][em02] surely will add you!!!</P><P>he's just a neighbor, a friend, well for time being. i'm not sure what's gonna happen, but for now, only friendship counts. well, think i'll continue writing about him, this weirdo...</P><P>[em01]</P><P>miss you so much kit~ here's not many fun chinese ppl in my level in LSE.... or i haven't met any yet.... </P>

撒旦的猫 LV4

发表于 13-10-2004 19:26:11 | 显示全部楼层

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>Kit</I>在2004-10-13 13:35:19的发言:</B>

<P>i heard there're pretty many handsome guys with good personalities available in uk..compared to the ladies..there're just a few "mei nv" out there...and i must say..u r just one of the few..</P>
<P>glad to hear from u...and share ur love stories..or i should say "incident"...(still remember u taught me this somerset mrt)..haha...but i don remember u u started ?? </P>
<P>guess many things happened since we first met..since u guys broke up... since u left sg.... both to u &amp; me.. hope to meet u again if there's a chance................... let's smoke together..i got my menthol lucky strike... u can't find in sg..</P>
<P>u know wat....i started to listen to chinese (or i should say cantonese songs) recently.........strange..cos i wanna have a change over myself..</P>
<P>how bout u........u sound still like u were before...never change a bit..rite?</P>
<P>anyway..hit me back........................and do u use friendster?? add me at :[email protected] (guess u don usually go online..)&lt;------------ add me at msn also...</P></DIV>

撒旦的猫 LV4

发表于 13-10-2004 19:26:34 | 显示全部楼层

<P>sounds distant... i started smoking 2months after breaking up with him. not because of him though, i think.... i smoke whenever i feel lonely. a lot of times someone else's companion makes me feel more alone. deep smoker now and mum bought me cigarettes back in china, and here in UK Hugo buys... </P><P>[em07]i didn't change much, except for dressing code. more mature and formal nowadays, as i have to go for loads of bank presentations... no longer a cute kid look...hurt....</P><P>how are you? are you guys still together?  so many questions to be asked.... tell me as you read later series of HUGO. okay?</P>

hello_babe LV7

发表于 13-10-2004 21:50:44 | 显示全部楼层

<P>good friends</P><P>old friends~~</P>[em01][em01][em01]

撒旦的猫 LV4

发表于 14-10-2004 04:55:11 | 显示全部楼层

yeah, used to be quite closed. that's why i feel the urge to share my emotion with her. well, maybe not only with her, just wanna throw everything out, if not i'll be suffocated...

Kit LV7

发表于 14-10-2004 13:30:40 | 显示全部楼层

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>撒旦的猫</I>在2004-10-13 19:15:06的发言:</B>

<P>[em02][em02][em02] surely will add you!!!</P>
<P>he's just a neighbor, a friend, well for time being. i'm not sure what's gonna happen, but for now, only friendship counts. well, think i'll continue writing about him, this weirdo...</P>
<P>miss you so much kit~ here's not many fun chinese ppl in my level in LSE.... or i haven't met any yet.... </P></DIV>
<P>u lied to me.....</P>
<P>u didn't add heart's broken..........</P>[em19][em22]
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