xuehu, i doubt your administative rights.

2005-10-12 · 1430 阅读
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回答|共 11 个

性格女孩 LV15

发表于 12-10-2005 18:24:52 | 显示全部楼层


¢雪狼湖 LV21

发表于 12-10-2005 18:06:08 | 显示全部楼层

<P><b>麻烦你在用您自己的意志去评价别人以前,先审视一下自己的行为。</b></P><P><b>广告,历来是华人网和各个BBS普遍禁止的东西,华人网为会员们提供了专门的广告交流空间,我相信里边的信息已经足够个人使用。您仍然在各个版块发同样的东西,无论你盈利也好,不盈利也好,为了提高您的摄影技巧也好,还是其他任何目的都好,华人网除了广告版块以外,其他任何版块不欢迎任何形式的广告,如果上帖我回答的不清楚,您可以再次参照一下。别人的广告帖删得,你的就动不得?那么如果每个人拿出一条自己的原因就可以到处在华人网版块发广告,那么华人网成了什么?</b></P><P><b>尊重,是对等的,我们在感谢会员们对华人网支持的同时,也要维护其他会员的利益,同样我们也需要使用华人网的会员尊重华人网的规则。如果你凭您个人利益没有达到而觉得我 let sgchinese down,我也没有办法。如果您再次违反规则,还会受到跟上次一样的处罚。</b></P><P><b>另外,本人英文水平有限,您写的一些英文字和句子我不认识,甚至字典都查不出来。请您下次用中文字,我相信我们容易沟通,我所表达的意思你也会更清楚一点。</b></P><P><a href="https://www.sgchinese.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=8&amp;ID=517944&amp;page=1" target="_blank" >https://www.sgchinese.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=8&amp;ID=517944&amp;page=1</A></P>

GriGri LV5

发表于 12-10-2005 22:08:51 | 显示全部楼层

<P>And also, our forum <a href="https://www.sgchinese.com/bbs" target="_blank" >www.sgchinese.com/bbs</A> has its own definition of 'advertisement'.

Removing advertisements from our forum is for the benefit of the majority, not some single individuals. The forum admins have rights to remove such threads without prior notice to the writer. We too have rights to suspend the user's account if, removing threads and warning through private message does not work.

We believe that there are already adequate explanations given for our actions done to your threads, hence we refuse to explain further more.

<P>I am saying once again that whatever actions we take as admins, there are strict objective rules for us to follow. Hence we deeply regret if by doing that we have 'lost your respect'.</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-12 22:17:11编辑过]

GriGri LV5

发表于 12-10-2005 21:52:52 | 显示全部楼层

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>starjet</I>在2005-10-12 16:01:52的发言:</B>
<P>totalitarian, <B>sup<FONT color=#ff0033>p</FONT>ressive</B>, not giving members a right to speak and simply refuse to offer any explanation for your deeds. This paints such a negative picture of admin of sgchinese.</P>
<P>You can lock my account or this <b>t<FONT color=#ff0033>h</FONT>read</b> all you like. but you have lost our respect. You are shameless to the point of locking others' account and say thank you for your cooperation.</P>
<P>You let sgchinese down. </P></DIV>

<P>另外,“... but you have lost <B><FONT color=#ff0033>our </FONT></B>respect ....”。

<P>相信目前您除了“yourself”并不能代表任何人,所以最多也就可以说“lost <B><FONT color=#ff0033>my</FONT></B> respect”。

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-13 0:11:37编辑过]

yabei_8 LV9

发表于 12-10-2005 19:38:52 | 显示全部楼层


k2000 LV5

发表于 13-10-2005 10:29:11 | 显示全部楼层

you are supposed to follow the forum's rules, dont forget what you have agreed when you register your ID, everyone shall be treated fairly, you are not an exception.

zqalj86 LV5

发表于 13-10-2005 10:19:21 | 显示全部楼层


starjet LV0

发表于 13-10-2005 10:17:17 | 显示全部楼层

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andy_qin LV5

发表于 13-10-2005 05:45:27 | 显示全部楼层

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