有问题急需MACHEAL 和其他的中介朋友帮忙解答

wyf50 LV5
2006-12-16 · 1367 阅读
今天去三巴旺看房,4房高楼角头,以低于估价15K出售,但看房时屋主不在是他的中介带我们去看的,里面只有屋主的租客,而且中介没有给我们名片,说发完了. 我们觉得有点可疑,MACHEAL 和各位中介以你们的经验觉得有什么问题吗?谢谢了

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wyf50 LV5

发表于 16-12-2006 21:15:00 | 显示全部楼层

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-16 21:16:34编辑过]

michael8330 LV5

发表于 17-12-2006 10:59:00 | 显示全部楼层

<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>wyf50</i>在2006-12-16 21:15:00的发言:</b><br/><p>以低于估价那么多出售,.不符和现在市场行情,我们第一次买房,即担心屋主有高利贷的问题也担心那个中介有问题,又怕错过好的房子.所以来这里寻求帮助了.</p><br/></div><p>the hse too cheap and u are still like :- </p><p>1.屋主有高利贷的问题- look around the void desk(1st floor)&nbsp;, any new paint in square patch&nbsp;or any drawing (O$P$), even now&nbsp;did not have it may not gurantee next time&nbsp;will not have. (after completion the seller can take their IC and take money from the loan shark.) </p><p>&nbsp;2.中介有问题, agent is not a very big problem, cause u are buying the hse . </p><p>for this type of hse , (if u are very interested, ask more question , why the owner want to sell ?, can we meet the owner ?, any term and condition attached together with the sale ? like move in early or move out late, any under table money to be pay? if u are no happy with the answer given , i suggest u give a pass (all seller want high price and all buyer want low price, if the seller want lower price sure got reason, divore cases, hdb/bank force sale , already commited&nbsp; one unit and need the fund the purchase the other flat etc and a lot more.) </p><p>as long as u buy at 200K and declare to hdb 200K, and the owner(all the owner)&nbsp;acknowledge it , the rest is only 高利贷的问题. </p><p>my 2 cent worth of thought [em01]</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-17 10:59:53编辑过]

铜牌推广者 LV7

发表于 19-12-2006 00:06:00 | 显示全部楼层

<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>wyf50</i>在2006-12-16 20:58:00的发言:</b><br/>今天去三巴旺看房,4房高楼角头,以低于估价15K出售,但看房时屋主不在是他的中介带我们去看的,里面只有屋主的租客,而且中介没有给我们名片,说发完了. 我们觉得有点可疑,MACHEAL 和各位中介以你们的经验觉得有什么问题吗?谢谢了</div><p></p><p>您觉得屋子如何?(装修老化,硬件损坏,旧,脏乱情况等)是否远远不如别的屋子?</p><p>地点是否很偏很偏?</p><p>估价是什么时候的?(卖了多久?〕</p><p>很少有人开价这么低的。除非是屋主很急于出手。你要小心。</p><p>建议你</p><p>1)询问卖方有何附加条件?</p><p>2〕2ND VIEW, 与屋主见面,观察,了解一下。</p><p>3)看电梯口及楼梯有无'阿窿哥'的手迹。</p><p>4)仔细考虑屋子是否是您真正喜欢的,还是因为便宜,所以喜欢?</p>

wyf50 LV5

发表于 19-12-2006 11:20:00 | 显示全部楼层

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-19 11:26:45编辑过]
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