寻找有缘份的人 (裕廊西)

missyf LV1
2007-11-29 · 941 阅读
<br/>我们居住于裕廊西靠近南洋理工大学。想寻找有缘份的人和可以互补短处的人。 <br/><br/>我们非大富人家,只是一般为生活忙碌的小康之家,希望能找一个可以照顾我们一家大小的新家庭成员。我们想寻找一位可以从傍晚时分开始帮忙接送/看顾小孩和做晚饭,以及能做家务的阿姨。我们可以提供免费住宿水电(一间小房),免费晚餐,免费上网和津贴新元250。我们不介意你携带小孩同住,你可以把以上当成你的副业,不介意你有正业或其他工作但是必须是正当行业。 <br/><br/>这位伟大的阿姨必须真诚,诚实,善良,友善,有爱心和人品端正,没有债务缠身。我们待人礼貌/友善,如果你是有缘人,我们会像家人般对待。 <br/><br/>联络方式, 请电邮 :[email protected] <br/><br/>Hello, <br/><br/>We are a small &amp; simple family - a couple with a 5 years old kid living in a 4-room hdb located at jurong west, we are looking for a PERMANENT PART TIME HELPER who can help us to fetch our kid around 6pm, take care of him until 9pm, prepare dinner for whole family, perform some basic house work such as - vacuuming and mopping, the bathrooms and kitchen to be cleaned and some ironing and washing to be done. <br/><br/>We are able to provide free accommodation (one small room), free internet access, free dinner plus S$250 allowances for above services. As long as above mentioned services are fulfilled, you’re free to do your own stuff. We are friendly, caring and consider you as part of our family but we need someone honest, kids lover, friendly, good in cooking, free of debts and we can trust on her. Preferable Chinese whose allow staying in Singapore and able to commence as soon as possible. <br/><br/>Looking forward to hearing from you. <br/><br/>Thanks. <br/><br/>Miss YF
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-29 23:26:38编辑过]

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winner1971 LV4

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Miss Liu. hp.
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